Thursday, July 23, 2009

OMG I had the craziest dream last night

I have always had the ability to remember my dreams very well. It will sometimes take me up to twenty minutes to describe a dream and I have to sketch out a map on a take-out box to illustrate. For my 23rd birthday, it seemed fitting that David would get me a journal to write down my dreams when I woke in the morning. The journal was a success for a few months and then...well, you know how that goes. I thought it time again to document what goes on in my head at night and a blog seems like the perfect place to do it.


Wake time 6:17 am


Going up to the highest tower was forbidden. However, we thought it a good idea to go up anyway, even though we weren’t skilled enough wizards. The tower was unremarkable and quite small. Plain gray stones. At the last flight of stairs, Chad was caught by the arm. The master wizard led him back down the stairs. He looked much like Gandalf, white beard and long flowing hair. I got frightened and considered following closely behind, back down to the main hall. Of course, I didn’t. I walked up the last of the stairs and came into the open room at the top of the tower. It looked out over the rest of the main hall. I remember earlier seeing the head wizard up there speaking his magic words and making some one disappear. A strange shelf in the wall held a box of what looked like burnt black roses. I couldn’t be sure. The two glass carved tulips, one glowing and one not, were attached to some sort of metal rig with handle. The tulips were the size of large watermelons. Clad in my dark colored robe, I walked up to the glowing tulip and spoke the magic words. “Luminesta!” Brilliant blasting light, anti-gravity, I clutched at the metal handle and flew off of the floor.

This would be one of those mornings where I wake gasping, heart beating fast, goose bumps all over my body.


  1. wow! welcome, my friend! i can't wait to read more...keep it up, lady. miss you!

  2. Is the background color of this blog... Black as night?

  3. yes, & IMO the ability to remember your dreams is a gift. The ability to write them down is courageous.
