Creepy and awesome dream – a mix of Army of Darkness with the fact that I played Xbox last night
They are trying to take over the world. They hacked into everyone’s Xbox and ruined the memory card port. Of course, the only way to fix it was to order another updated port. Anyone who used the Xbox after that would die. Large group of us in the wasteland, running for our lives, not knowing when they would sneak up on us. Red haired gal grew a second head from her right shoulder (Good Ash, Bad Ash). She tried killing it by smothering the head in a muddy puddle. Others turned to dust. They had blank stares, blew away with the wind. We all wondered who was next. The outer edge of the group was gone. Whatever was killing us was moving inward.
I wish I could describe how visually ridiculous everything was. The landscape was really dark and wet with stunted trees, much like a swamp. Looking at a girl right in the face as she died and turned to dust… I need a camera in my brain to explain that one. A picture is worth a thousand words, no?