Monday, September 14, 2009

The Fear

I had my first nightmare last night in 12 years. Yep, that's right. Don't get me wrong, I have had bad dreams since then but there is a difference. Mainly, bad dreams aren't scary. You don't get 'the fear.' You wake up and say to yourself, "Interesting..." You don't wake up screaming and soaked in sweat.
Although it was a very short dream, it was the worst. There was this big piece of scrap wood propped up against a mini fridge. It wasn't leaning right so I went to push on it and that's when it hit me. There was someone behind it. Everything happened so fast after that. The man jumped out from behind the wood, knocking me to the ground. He was middle aged, overweight, and naked. He held me down on the ground and proceeded to rape me. Thank my lucky little stars I woke up just before it got too graphic. I have never in my life woken up screaming until this day. It's a strange feeling. I was dripping with sweat and couldn't move (did you know your brain releases a paralytic while you are dreaming so that you can't act out what's happening? Sometimes it takes a few seconds if you wake during a dream to fully move. And, it will sometimes leave you with an unexplainable fear. Yep, it's that fear again.) Needless to say, I had a hard time going back to sleep after that...

Monday, August 31, 2009

Private Showing

I might be pretty awesome. So awesome, in fact, that Ben Folds himself would play for me and about 25 of my friends. Sweet? I think so. He was set up in a room with three walls, like he was on display. His piano was pushed up against the left wall. Of course, he wore his black rimmed glasses. I was seated on a futon with three girls (they all had blonde hair FYI) on my right and Lauren to my left. There was a spot between Lauren and me where Jacob was sitting but he got up to plug in his iPod (which was technologically advanced. I guess he has some smarts when it comes to fixing up iPods in crazy ways). There were quite a few homeless people sleeping on the floor. One to the left of Ben's piano and two to the right, in the corner of the room. There were a bunch of pillows and blankets on the right side of the room, some guys bed. Not sure where that homeless dude up and left to. He missed out on an awesome show.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Channing Tatum

Ya, I made out with him last night.
In my dreams...DUH

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Oh, Paulo

Oh, Paulo...
You are my hero in your black t-shirt and white corduroy pants.
My best friend.
You saved me from Chrissy.
She was going to kill me.
It was my fault though...
I did steal her 5 silver butter knives.
I gave them back though!
I only took them 3/4 of the way around the block, flying like I normally do...
Like a front crawl in swimming.
I'm pretty good at it.
Oh , Paulo...
How glad I am to see your face, your brown eyes, your short black hair...
My best friend.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Dance, dance

It doesn't look like much (and its actually backwards, read right to left) but this dance is pretty awesome. I played a horse in a play and this was the standard 'everyone in the community knows this' dance. There was a chant to go along with it but I can only remember so much :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

To dream or not to dream...

I slept on the guys couch again last night (which is a pretty common occurrence) and woke up to Jared getting breakfast in the kitchen. I must have been rather tired because I fell back to sleep in a second and woke again to him plugging in his phone and talking out loud to himself. Again, I fell back asleep, woke up, fell back asleep, woke get the picture.
Turns out, I was actually asleep the entire time. Everything I was dreaming was so normal that I thought I had woken up at least five times and fallen back asleep five times and dreamt the same normal morning routine. Have you ever fallen asleep in your dreams? It's awesome.

Once I did wake up for real, I went back to sleep for real, and had another dream.

Grey's Anatomy style, in the ER. Victim is brought in that has ebola (ew). Well, that turned out to be false and the 'girl' was some creature that was part human, part machine. She had surgical scissors for fingers on her left hand and a crazy face plate. She wore burlap like clothing, brown, boring. She screamed like she was on fire. The other doctors in the ER were determined to dissect her. One got her hand cut off by the creature.....oh wait, someone else just got their hand cut off too. Eventually, the creature was dismembered and I got to look at her skull. It was all mechanical and was still operational. It copied the sounds made by whomever was holding it. The coloring of the skull was the same as the coloring of my Estee Lauder blush compact :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Watch out Gamers

Creepy and awesome dream – a mix of Army of Darkness with the fact that I played Xbox last night


They are trying to take over the world. They hacked into everyone’s Xbox and ruined the memory card port. Of course, the only way to fix it was to order another updated port. Anyone who used the Xbox after that would die. Large group of us in the wasteland, running for our lives, not knowing when they would sneak up on us. Red haired gal grew a second head from her right shoulder (Good Ash, Bad Ash). She tried killing it by smothering the head in a muddy puddle. Others turned to dust. They had blank stares, blew away with the wind. We all wondered who was next. The outer edge of the group was gone. Whatever was killing us was moving inward.

I wish I could describe how visually ridiculous everything was. The landscape was really dark and wet with stunted trees, much like a swamp. Looking at a girl right in the face as she died and turned to dust… I need a camera in my brain to explain that one. A picture is worth a thousand words, no?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Corporate American ruins everything

Unfortunately, I don’t have an entire dream to share with y’all, but I have an interesting snippet.


I was searching through my hair for grays (isn’t this obviously a dream already? How could I have gray hair already? Haha) and pulling them out. They were easy to find. They were wirey and definitely larger than my other hairs. Upon further inspection up to the root of the hair, they were actually large plastic flattened chopsticks, if you will. Printed on the larger end was a company name much like Cisco.


It makes me sad that even my gray hair has to have a logo on it.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

OMG I had the craziest dream last night

I have always had the ability to remember my dreams very well. It will sometimes take me up to twenty minutes to describe a dream and I have to sketch out a map on a take-out box to illustrate. For my 23rd birthday, it seemed fitting that David would get me a journal to write down my dreams when I woke in the morning. The journal was a success for a few months and then...well, you know how that goes. I thought it time again to document what goes on in my head at night and a blog seems like the perfect place to do it.


Wake time 6:17 am


Going up to the highest tower was forbidden. However, we thought it a good idea to go up anyway, even though we weren’t skilled enough wizards. The tower was unremarkable and quite small. Plain gray stones. At the last flight of stairs, Chad was caught by the arm. The master wizard led him back down the stairs. He looked much like Gandalf, white beard and long flowing hair. I got frightened and considered following closely behind, back down to the main hall. Of course, I didn’t. I walked up the last of the stairs and came into the open room at the top of the tower. It looked out over the rest of the main hall. I remember earlier seeing the head wizard up there speaking his magic words and making some one disappear. A strange shelf in the wall held a box of what looked like burnt black roses. I couldn’t be sure. The two glass carved tulips, one glowing and one not, were attached to some sort of metal rig with handle. The tulips were the size of large watermelons. Clad in my dark colored robe, I walked up to the glowing tulip and spoke the magic words. “Luminesta!” Brilliant blasting light, anti-gravity, I clutched at the metal handle and flew off of the floor.

This would be one of those mornings where I wake gasping, heart beating fast, goose bumps all over my body.